Polar True Ltd is a Finnish manufacturer, developer, retailer and wholesaler of Health Peat products.
The raw material used by Polar True Ltd comes from a peatland in natural state, a depression in the earth high up on the crest of a rock, situated in Southern Finland. Due to the location of the swamp, it contains no harmful substances. In addition, the basin has preserved well the treating combinations of vegetal substances dissolved in the swamp water.
Compared to other swamps, the amount of vegetal hormones is significant in this pure sphagnum moss swamp. The raw material of Health Peat is well decomposed, 500-1000 years old. It is a gel-like substance already in the swamp. All Health Peat products manufactured by Polar True Ltd have been allergy and bacteria tested in accordance with EU skin treatment standards.
New entrepreneur since the 1st of April 2017. The new company, Polar True Ltd, undertakes the production of Health Peat on account of the retirement of the previous manager.